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A.I. Body Tracking
Easily upload or record video using a smartphone camera to see real time biomechanical feedback and assess your body's form. We use custom machine learning models and integrate with common gym management systems to help athletes and trainers track progress over time and build personalized fitness experiences from pre-evaluation to sports training, injury prevention and beyond.
Realtime Feedback for Range of Exercises
Built and tested based on industry standards of biomechanics and physical training, our library of exercises can grow to help users and their unique bodies across a range of sports and motions. Engage with personal trainers, physical therapists or our conversational A.I. to get real time insights and create effective, personalized workout programs based on objective data.
Personalized Engagement
Our biomechanical analysis tool drives clients towards actionable fitness insights that keep them engaged with their bodies, weather alone or guided with a trainer or physical therapist. The technology accounts for any body type, helping them accomplish a variety of fitness goals specific to their bodies.